Exceptions to Spelling Rules

March 10, 2011 Category :Uncategorized Off

Since we were children and were taught spelling in school we were taught that there some rules used to spell words that if we remembered these rules, it would be easier to remember how to spell. These rules are known as mnemonics. These mnemonics are used to remember how many days are in the months; like the familiar saying “30 days hath September…” and the first letters of the five great lakes in the U.S. spell the word HOMES. The best recommendation is the use of a web spell checker not only due to the endless amount of rules governing how words are spelled; because of the countless amount of exceptions to these rules. If you do not know how to check spelling via a web spell checker; now is the time to familiarize yourself with these free and readily available tools.

The usual first spelling rule we are taught is “I before E, except after C” but it has been found that there are more exceptions to this rule than that words that governed it in the first place. This rule covers “IE” words like; siege, thief, belief and then the “EI” words like; receive, deceive, and conceit.

There a several exceptions to the “I before E” rule and here are a few in American English:

“EI” not preceded by “C;” beige, deign, dreidel, eight, feign, feint, freight, geisha, greige, neigh, neighbo(u)r, and peignoir.

But the “I” before “E” rule is not the only one that will guide us on how to check spelling. Another rule that assists us to avoid misspelling words is:

When words ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel and the word is one syllable or accented on the last syllable, then we should double the final consonant when adding a vowel suffix. Examples of this rule are:

beg ~ begged ~ begging
occur ~ occurred ~ occurring

Some exceptions to this rule:

flow ~ flowed ~ flowing
fix ~ fixed ~ fixing

When adding a vowel suffix to a word ending in -e the -e is dropped:

care ~ cared~ caring
desire ~ desired ~ desiring


canoe ~ canoeing
mile ~ mileage
dye ~ dyeing

Adding a consonant suffix does not change the spelling of a word:

pain ~ painful
complete ~ completely


argue ~ argument
judge ~ judgment
nine ~ ninth
true ~ truly

When two words are joined to form a compound word, omit no letters:

room + mate = roommate
book + keeper = bookkeeper
house + coat = housecoat


past + time = pastime
where + ever = wherever

The above rules are just a small sample of the numerous rules and exceptions to those rules, so use the web spell checker to avoid misspellings at all costs!

English spelling rules

March 3, 2011 Category :Uncategorized Off

Speakers of English—especially young children—often complain about how difficult and unpredictable the spelling of English words often is. The pronunciations of various words ending in -ough (such as “cough,” “rough,” “through,” and so forth) are a well-known example. And indeed, our writing system is handicapped compared to those of many other languages, which often have more individual letters or combinations thereof.

However, it must be acknowledged that there are indeed certain rules which can be quickly learned and applied, and which have relatively few exceptions. One of these involves silent e. This letter is dropped (1) before an ending beginning with a vowel (hope > hoping), and (2) after u before a suffix beginning in a vowel (continue > continuous). It is retained if the ending begins in a consonant (sure > surely), or to avoid confusion with a word that would otherwise be spelled identically (singeing vs. singing).

Another spelling rule involves final y. This letter is changed to i before an ending that begins with a consonant (plenty > plentiful), or before the past tense (cry > cried) and plural endings (lady > ladies). Conversely, final -ie is regularly changed to y before adding -ing (die > dying).

Final consonants are doubled before endings beginning in vowels (run > running, runner, runny). Note that this rule also avoids confusion between pairs (hop > hopping vs. hope > hoping). (Historically, a double consonant was used to indicate a preceding short vowel; this is still the case in German, e.g. Zimmer).

We have also been taught to minimize confusion between “ei” and “ie” by means of the rhyme “i before e except after c or when sounded like ay as in neighbor and weigh.” This rule does hold true for the most part (achieve vs. receive); exceptions include “either” (which can be pronounced two ways), “seize,” and “ancient.”

In English, words borrowed from Greek and Latin (often through French) tend to follow consistent orthographic patterns. Native words—those of Germanic origin—are often much harder to predict (“rather” vs. “father,” “paddle” vs. “waddle”). But English has also borrowed words from other languages around the world, and their spellings sometimes differ from those of the languages mentioned above. For example, “unique” (silent ue) is a French word, but “pulque” (with a final vowel) is a Spanish loan.

You can use your computer to check your spelling. This can be done offline—with Microsoft Word’s spellcheck software—or with a free spell checker provided online, such as spellchecker.net. You may find that the latter method is more reliable insofar as, like with all websites, updating is constantly being done.

So… when in doubt, perform a spellcheck using your computer or with an online free spell checker.

Spelling Reform Is Not the Answer

February 24, 2011 Category :Uncategorized Off

English, as we know it today, has taken on some changes from its original form. The language is primarily made up of a hodgepodge of other words taken from other languages such as French, German, Latin, and Greek. The end result is a language made up of approximately 251 different letter combinations to spell only 43 sounds. With this kind of complex system for written communication, it is no wonder English is such a hard language to learn.

Starting back as early as the eleventh century, writing as a form of communication was becoming more popular. However, the uneducated could not understand what was written. Too many English words are not sounded as they are spelled. Some scholars hoped to reform certain words to sound as they are spelled or be more be phonetic.

Other scholars disagreed, feeling that changing the spelling to accommodate some would be confusing to those that were familiar with the current spellings.

Eventually, words began a slow change, with some having either version acceptable.

As the time changes, words continue to change. Words that tend to get misspelled may eventually become acceptable. For example, British English would have us spell the past tense of travel as “travelled.” Americans took used this spelling for hundreds of years until at some point, dropping the second /l/ became accepted and correct.

Also, words that were passed down verbally were all-too-often misheard, causing a shift in language. Buttonhole used to be “buttonhold.”

As new technologies emerge, the language changes with it. Shakespeare would not have written about cell phones, internet spell check tools, or mega-pixels. Further, current writers do not write content in a current setting using words such as thee, tho, or shalt.

Current reform for spelling changes is a hot topic of discussion. Those for the changes allege that students that have trouble learning to read would benefit from a phonetic language system.
Those opposed to changes counter that a phonetic language system would be worse, and that thousands upon thousands of books and other written material would become obsolete and unreadable in the near future. No one would know how to check spelling because there would be no consistency. Software and internet spell check could not detect errors. Dialect has much to do with phonetics.

For example, the word pecan.
Some people pronounce it /pē-kān/. (Both vowels are long.)
Other people pronounce it /pē-kăwn/ (/e/ is long, /a/ is short)
Further, the emphasis on the syllable varies.

So, if we were to write, “My favorite pie is pecan,” how would we phonetically write about the pecan? Peekan? Pecawn? Peak-an?

While the language will continue to change, it is best to learn the English rules as well as the exceptions as it stands now. A century from now, there may be a new article written called, “New and Improved: How to Check Spelling for Phonetic Users.”

American English Vs British English

February 16, 2011 Category :Uncategorized Off

As Americans continue to see more influence from England, the variations of certain words reaches a larger audience. Certain words like travelled and cancelled are accepted as being correct when writing for an American audience. However, the doubled /l/ is a [British] English spelling. For other words, you will need to set your spell check tool to pick up the appropriate English. Otherwise, words Michalka that may be spelled “correctly” may be identified as incorrect. Further, when spellchecking, it is chicagobearsjerseyspop important Suggestions to be consistent.

Here is a breakdown of some of the major differences in American English and English spellings:Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

-or = -our
favor = Thame, favour
color = colour
honor = honour

-er = -re
center = centre
meter = metre
theater = theatre

-ze = -se
analyze = analyse
criticize = criticise
memorize = memorise

-ck or -k = -que
bank = banque
check = cheque
click = clique

-og = -ogue
analog = analogue
backlog = backlogue
catalog = catalogue

-e = -ae
pediatrician = paediatrician
encyclopedia = encyclopaedia

For words that Together end in an /l/ and preceded by a vowel, the /l/ is doubled when adding a suffix. As mentioned previously, in American English, cancel would become canceled or canceling. For English, the correct spelling would be cancelled or cancelling. Most Other examples of this would be counsel, model, and signal.

Further, there is a difference in the past participle of the following verbs:

smell smelled = smelt
spoil spoiled = spoilt
spill spilled = spilt
learn learned = learnt
dream dreamed = dreamt
burn burn = burnt
leap leaped = leapt

There are many other verbs that fall under this category. There are many helpful books and web pages to guide the differences in both forms of English.

Unless you have been asked specifically for American English, U.K or British English, your writing will be correct. The important points to remember are as follows:

1. Set the spell check tool to identify which version you are using.
2. Be consistent. The sentence, “My favorite flavour of ice cream is vanilla,” while in correct English would be incorrect in usage. This Words is very important when spellchecking.
3. The pronunciation is the same. It is the spelling that is different.

Commonly Misspelled Words

January 26, 2011 Category :Uncategorized Off

With the arrival of internet spell check, it is less difficult to ensure spelling accuracy in writing then in previous eras. However, an internet spell check has limitations; it pays to know how to check spelling manually.

Locate a list of commonly misspelled words. They are weapons! widely available on the internet. Try to find one that contains at least 100 to 500 words. Keep a copy of the list in any location writing is likely to be done, such as on a desk, near a computer, atop a nightstand, and so forth.

In addition, once a good list is on hand, a quick review will allow the creation of three separate lists. It is possible to use different colored highlighters rather than create the lists by Skin hand, however it is recommended to write the words again. It never hurts to practice.

The first group of words will be words that are known. These words should be spelled correctly nearly 100 percent of the time.

The second group should contain words the spelling of which gives one pause. These are the words that require a bit of thinking, but are spelled correctly more than fifty percent of the time.

The third group should contain words that are either unknown or spelled incorrectly the majority of the time.

These three lists become the starting point for learning how to check spelling. The first list is merely a record of current ability and will not require further action at this point. The second group, however, is the best place to start. These words are already familiar and will yield the highest success rate with the following charting technique.

Draw a line that divides a piece of paper in half from top to bottom. On the left side of the line, write the first word from the second group. Think of a mnemonic device that will help you remember how to spell the world properly. For example:

Left side: separate
Right side: There is always a rat in separate.

Left side: weird
Right side: It is weird because e comes before i, unlike the traditional rule.

Continue on through the entire list of words in the second group using as much paper as necessary. The process itself will lead to significant improvement, but the goal should be to refer to this chart on a regular basis until the spellings become second nature.

Once the first chart is complete, the process should be repeated with the words in the third group.
To keep learning new words, consult many lists of commonly misspelled words. If a number of electronic drafts fro past writing efforts are available, they can be reopened and pasted into an internet spell check. Any misspellings that pop up should be scrutinized with the three-group process and charted.

Following these instructions should yield noticeable results quickly, especially if one is a frequent writer. With the number of words in the English language, this process can be useful for an entire lifetime.